Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Good I Could Do on Easter Weekend.

Although Easter is commonly celebrated on Sunday, I could have took time this weekend to call my immediate family members and tell them how much I love them and appreciate them. When I do something nice for someone else I feel as if they would do the same thing for me if I were in that situation or if asked the same from them. If I hypothetically had a million dollars I would donate a small percentage of that to a homeless shelter for sock, because they are the most needed, but least donated of all articles of clothing.

-MD Fluker

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Letter to the Governor

Dear Governor Sanders,

       I am Dr. Bracko Bahma the local dentist here in Bayonne, Louisiana. I am a highly decorated military veteran who fought for my country as a on the field medic. I was injured and as a result I received a Purple Heart. Once I left the army I received official medical training at Tulane University. Once I graduated, I opened my own dentistry practice  (with a small loan of a million dollars from my father) here in Bayonne. When I moved here I realized how truly rural this town is when I found out that the nearest dentistry practice is 40 miles away in Baton Rouge, and that most of this towns dental problems can be solved with a bottle of moonshine and a pair of pliers.
       I have had the chance to meet Mr. Jefferson, first as a client when he came in for a chipped tooth and I later found a record 12 cavities in his mouth . Mr. Jefferson has been in and out of practice for years now; mostly he'll be in because of the activities he takes part in. For example, once he came in because someone bet him to bite a football and it popped in his mouth. The result was not a pleasent surprise. Me and Jefferson have developed a mentor -apprentice type relationship, with me giving him advice for multiple reasons such as life, cooking, an the people he hangs around. When I heard the news of Jefferson's execution my spirit compelled me to send you this letter.

Jefferson , is the not the sharpest needle in the drawer. Trust me, I should know he came to me asking how to make it for his aunt, I felt sorry for the boy and I explained how you can't make an "apple cake". That is when I deduced that he actually meant pie. My point is Governor Sanders is that young  boy is not able to grasp what you convicted him of. He is simply too mentally under developed to wrap his young mind around the fact that he would be killed this young.


Dr. Bracko Bahma p.h.d