Friday, May 20, 2016

Blog Assignment 7 - The American Dream

In my mind the American Dream is being content with what you accomplished while you are able to work. Only you can really gauge if you achieved your dream or not.The American Dream is based upon perception and therefore it varies by person.
           My personal American Dream is impacting a young person's life and them coming back to tell me how successful they are based off of a soft skill I taught them. The money is important, but would not change about how passionate I feel about my dream.

-MD Fluker

Monday, May 16, 2016

Blog Assignment 9 - Course Reflection

Throughout Mr. Rease's AP class I mostly enjoyed when he found a way to correlate the literature we were reading to the current events. Although, I did not like when we had to take to part in classroom discussions with Mr. Rease, because he is a very opinionated man, but I did like it when we discussed among our fellow classmates, as it gave us a clue where each of our mindsets was at the time. The most useful skill that Mr. Rease taught the class was how to properly read a passage and interpret the given information on a standardized test. This course prepared me well for both my ACT and the AP test.

-M.D. Fluker

Friday, April 22, 2016

Blog Assignment 8 - ACT Reflection

       On the ACT the section I feel like I struggled with the most is probably the science or math portion, because of the amount of time allowed. I believe Ben C Rain did not prepare me for my ACT properly since they did not teach us how to manage our test time. Ben C Rain did not really take action to help us study for the ACT, besides telling us to study at home.
The testing environment was slightly cold, invoking sleep to a number of my peers, however the moderators ( Lt. Col. Brady and Coach Miller) did an excellent job of keeping the classroom quiet inbetween test. Time was my biggest inhibitor on the test so I believe I scored in the 23-26 range. I feel like I did better than my 1st time taking the ACT because I knew what to except.

- MD Fluker

Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Good I Could Do on Easter Weekend.

Although Easter is commonly celebrated on Sunday, I could have took time this weekend to call my immediate family members and tell them how much I love them and appreciate them. When I do something nice for someone else I feel as if they would do the same thing for me if I were in that situation or if asked the same from them. If I hypothetically had a million dollars I would donate a small percentage of that to a homeless shelter for sock, because they are the most needed, but least donated of all articles of clothing.

-MD Fluker

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Letter to the Governor

Dear Governor Sanders,

       I am Dr. Bracko Bahma the local dentist here in Bayonne, Louisiana. I am a highly decorated military veteran who fought for my country as a on the field medic. I was injured and as a result I received a Purple Heart. Once I left the army I received official medical training at Tulane University. Once I graduated, I opened my own dentistry practice  (with a small loan of a million dollars from my father) here in Bayonne. When I moved here I realized how truly rural this town is when I found out that the nearest dentistry practice is 40 miles away in Baton Rouge, and that most of this towns dental problems can be solved with a bottle of moonshine and a pair of pliers.
       I have had the chance to meet Mr. Jefferson, first as a client when he came in for a chipped tooth and I later found a record 12 cavities in his mouth . Mr. Jefferson has been in and out of practice for years now; mostly he'll be in because of the activities he takes part in. For example, once he came in because someone bet him to bite a football and it popped in his mouth. The result was not a pleasent surprise. Me and Jefferson have developed a mentor -apprentice type relationship, with me giving him advice for multiple reasons such as life, cooking, an the people he hangs around. When I heard the news of Jefferson's execution my spirit compelled me to send you this letter.

Jefferson , is the not the sharpest needle in the drawer. Trust me, I should know he came to me asking how to make it for his aunt, I felt sorry for the boy and I explained how you can't make an "apple cake". That is when I deduced that he actually meant pie. My point is Governor Sanders is that young  boy is not able to grasp what you convicted him of. He is simply too mentally under developed to wrap his young mind around the fact that he would be killed this young.


Dr. Bracko Bahma p.h.d

Sunday, February 28, 2016

A Lesson Before Dying Chapter 18 Quotation

"No matter how bad off we are,"I said, "we still owe something. You owe something, Jefferson. Not to me. Surely not to that sheriff out there . But to your grandmother. You must show her some understanding, some kind of love."

- Page 139

This quote relates to the recurring theme of respect in A Lesson of Dying. It shows that Grant wants Jefferson to show at least self respect to let his grandmother know that he is emotionally stable. Jefferson is still carrying on with his catatonic behavior, much to the dismay to Reverend Ambrose and Miss Emma.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Fluker's Happy Place

Over the course of 16 years, I find that my happiest place is also the darkest and quietest place. My happy place is my house's deck at night. Saying that me and my stepfather built and stained the deck with our own hands about 3 years ago, I take pride in it.  Due to poor lighting I could sit out there and watch people, walk down the street without them even knowing I'm there. I've overheard countless neighbor arguments or quarrels from that deck. I love the peace of mind that comes with the quiet also, I can sit out there write ,think or even listen to music. Once I sat out there and fell asleep and woke up at 3 am!